Hotels at Brecqhou Hotels at Brecqhou

island Brecqhou

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For a detailed description of this island, see our info-island-page:Brecqhou

Physical characteristics - Location

Coordinates: long: -2.38818 lat : 49.43148
Coordinates (gr,min,sec): WGS84long: -2°23'17.4588 lat : 49°2'35.3328
Surface area: 0.6 km2 (0.002 x Isle of Wight)
Length coastline: 3.8 km
Average height: 25 metre
Length island: 0.95 km
Maximum width island (estimate): 0.69 km
Name : no name (70 metre)
Orientation island: West - East

Demographic data island

Habited: Yes
Number of inhabitants: 1
Population density: 1.67 inh/km2
Important places (direction): Résidence Des Frères Barclay

Naming - Location

Local native name: Brecqhou
Archipelago (island group): Channel Islands
Neighboring islands
(Island hopping):
1) Sark 0.072 km EastNorthEast
2) Herm 5 km NorthWest
3) Jethou 5.3 km WestNorthWest
4) Guernsey 10.2 km West
5) Lihou 19.6 km West
6) Jersey 20.9 km SouthSouthEast
7) Alderney 32.2 km NorthNorthEast
8) Burhou 33.6 km NorthNorthEast
9) Grande-Île 73 km SouthEast
10) Île de Bréhat 76.2 km SouthWest
11) Tombelaine 106.4 km SouthEast
12) Mont Saint-Michel 108.6 km SouthEast
13) Île de Batz 139.2 km WestSouthWest
14) Brownsea Island 142.2 km North
15) Isle of Wight 148.1 km NorthNorthEast
16) Île d'Arz 204.8 km South
17) Île-aux-Moines 205.2 km South
18) Groix 212.8 km SouthSouthWest
19) Île de Béniguet 215.6 km WestSouthWest
20) Île Chevallier 217.8 km SouthWest
21) Île-Molène 219.9 km WestSouthWest
22) Ouessant 221 km WestSouthWest
23) Île du Loc'h 224.8 km SouthSouthWest
24) Île-d'Houat 229.6 km South
25) Île Hoëdic 233.8 km South
Country: Guernsey-Jersey-Man
Location in Country: South
Main place: Fort Brecqhou
Location Main place: Center
Sea: English Channel
Distance to main land: 37 km
Nearest Country: France
Type Rock outcrop: rocky surface
island-Type: island in sea
Remarks: Sir Frederick is currently the only inhabitant of the small channel island of Brecqhou. The rocky private island is located about 200 meters west of the larger island Sark. and has a fairly steep coast. On the plateau of the island there is a large (fake) Gothic style (Résidence Des Frères Barclay) castle from 1996 (architect Quinlan Terry ) with granite walls almost 1 meter thick. In addition, there is a helicopter-platform and two swimming pools. There is quite some disagreement/discussion about the status of Brecqhou in relation to the island of Sark. The Channel Islands were the only part of the British Isles occupied by the German army during World War II. The name Brecqhou is derived from the Old Norse brekka, meaning slope, and holmr = island or islet. The island also produces its own stamps. Tourism is very limited and only possible from the island of Sark subject to certain lodging conditions, visitors can make a tour to the private gardens, vineyards, and chapel. There are around 2000 plant-species on the island. In addition, the island has become more forested quite recently.

Topographic islandmap Brecqhou

Brecqhou map

© OpenStreetMap-auteurs, CC-BY-SA.
Map Brecqhou

Brecqhou views: 4031

3.5 starsaverage score: 3.5 from 14 votes.

Height map of Brecqhou

Brecqhou Digital terrain model - DTM

Relief: Height Classes in percentages

Relief: Slope Classes in percentages

Weather at Brecqhou

The weather type in St Peter Portbroken cloudsweericoon
Current temperature: 7 degrees Celcius
Precipitation last 3 hours: No precipitation
Wind: 12.35 meter per second (Wind force - bft 6)
Winddirection: South-southeast
Atmospheric pressure: 999 mb
Humidity: 93 %
Daylength at 26 January 2025:9 hour and 6 minutes
Sunrise: 08:49 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset: 17:54 Europe/Amsterdam
Weather-page: Brecqhou

The weather for the next few hours

St Peter Port - GG (longitude: -2.3882, latitude: 49.4315)
Distance weather station to the center island (direction N): not known
9 degrees Celcius
994 mbar
light rainweericoon
11 degrees Celcius
990 mbar
moderate rainweericoon
11 degrees Celcius
988 mbar
light rainweericoon
9 degrees Celcius
981 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
10 degrees Celcius
983 mbar
light rainweericoon

Climate: Temperature and Precipitation

Transport on your island-holiday

Directly accessible from Western Europe (The Netherlands) by plane: No
International airport present : No
Accessible by car: No
Distance from Western Europe (The Netherlands) (rough estimate): 802 km
Ferry connection - Car - Car - with mainland: No
Boat Connection - pedestrian - with mainland: No
Ferry - Car - connect with another island - Island hopping: No
Boat Connection - pedestrian - with another island: No
Bicycle facilities: No

island-Island, island-Tourism - island-attractions

Wikipedia Brecqhou ?> Wikipedia: Wikipedia Brecqhou
Tourist information: Info Brecqhou
Youtube: Youtube Brecqhou

island accommodation: Hotel ,Holiday Home, Camping

Hotel at Brecqhou ?> Hotel Hotel at Brecqhou
Campings at Brecqhou ?> Camping Not known
Holiday Home
Bed & Breakfast
accommodation-page Brecqhou

Social media - Multimedia

Youtube Video BrecqhouVideos youtube Brecqhou
flickr pictures and images of BrecqhouPhotos (Flickr) of the place Brecqhou

Bings maps Brecqhou
Mapquest Brecqhou Brecqhou