Hotels at Meent Hotels at Meent

island Meent

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Youtube Meent Video - Movie

For a detailed description of this island, see our info-island-page:Meent

Physical characteristics - Location

Coordinates: long: 5.05405 lat : 52.17579
Coordinates (gr,min,sec): WGS84long: 5°3'14.5872 lat : 52°1'3.2844
Surface area: 0.1 km2 (0 x Isle of Wight)
Length coastline: 2 km
Average height: -1 metre
Length island: 0.73 km
Name : Naamloos (-1 metre)

Demographic data island

Habited: No
Number of inhabitants: 0
Population density: 0.00 inh/km2

Naming - Location

Local native name: Meent
Archipelago (island group): islands - Loosdrechtse Plassen
Neighboring islands
(Island hopping):
1) Geitekaai 0.957 km North
2) Markus Pos 2 km NorthNorthEast
3) Robinson Crusoë 2.5 km NorthNorthEast
4) Pampus 20.7 km North
5) Rietplaat 50.7 km SouthSouthWest
6) Buisjes 51.1 km SouthSouthWest
7) Hennipje 51.6 km SouthSouthWest
8) Vischplaat 52.2 km SouthSouthWest
9) Boerenplaat 54.2 km SouthSouthWest
10) Middenplaat 66 km WestSouthWest
11) Tiengemeten 68.3 km SouthWest
12) Slijkplaat 74 km SouthWest
13) Noordplaat 80.7 km SouthWest
14) Markenje 85.3 km WestSouthWest
15) Kabeljauwplaat 85.3 km WestSouthWest
16) Veermansplaat 86 km WestSouthWest
17) Hompelvoet 86.8 km WestSouthWest
18) Eiland in Krabbenkreek 87.6 km SouthWest
19) Stampersplaat Zuid 88.6 km WestSouthWest
20) Stampersplaat 88.7 km WestSouthWest
21) Noorderhaaks - De razende bol 90.9 km NorthNorthWest
22) Dwars in den Weg 90.9 km WestSouthWest
23) Ossehoek 92.4 km WestSouthWest
24) Texel 92.6 km NorthNorthWest
25) Prinsesseplaat 93.2 km SouthWest
Country: The Netherlands
Location in Country: West
Name Provincie: Province North Holland
Name Gemeente: Municipality Wijdemeren
Lake: Loosdrechtse Plassen
Distance to main land: 0.6 km
Nearest Country: The Netherlands
Type Rock outcrop: clay
island-Type: artificial island
Remarks: constructed in 1962

Topographic islandmap Meent

Meent map

© OpenStreetMap-auteurs, CC-BY-SA.
Map Meent

Meent views: 2768

No score starsaverage score: No score from 0 votes.

Relief: Height Classes in percentages

Relief: Slope Classes in percentages

Weather at Meent

The weather type in Breukelenclear skyweericoon
Current temperature: -0 degrees Celcius
Precipitation last 3 hours: No precipitation
Wind: 2.05 meter per second (Wind force - bft 2)
Winddirection: Southeast
Atmospheric pressure: 1026 mb
Humidity: 98 %
Daylength at 19 January 2025:8 hour and 25 minutes
Sunrise: 08:37 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset: 17:03 Europe/Amsterdam
Weather-page: Meent

The weather for the next few hours

Breukelen - NL (longitude: 5.0541, latitude: 52.1758)
Distance weather station to the center island (direction O): 3.53 km

-0 degrees Celcius
1026 mbar
clear skyweericoon
-0 degrees Celcius
1024 mbar
clear skyweericoon
1 degrees Celcius
1023 mbar
clear skyweericoon
5 degrees Celcius
1022 mbar
clear skyweericoon
3 degrees Celcius
1020 mbar
clear skyweericoon

Climate: Temperature and Precipitation

Transport on your island-holiday

Directly accessible from Western Europe (The Netherlands) by plane: No
International airport present : No
Distance from Western Europe (The Netherlands) (rough estimate): 12 km
Ferry connection - Car - Car - with mainland: No

island-Island, island-Tourism - island-attractions

Wikipedia Meent ?> Wikipedia: Wikipedia Meent
Tourist information: Info Meent
Youtube: Youtube Meent

island accommodation: Hotel ,Holiday Home, Camping

Hotel at Meent ?> Hotel Hotel at Meent
Campings at Meent ?> Camping Not known
Holiday Home
Bed & Breakfast
accommodation-page Meent

Social media - Multimedia

Youtube Video MeentVideos youtube Meent
flickr pictures and images of MeentPhotos (Flickr) of the place Meent

Bings maps Meent
Mapquest Meent Meent