Hotels at Sjælland Hotels at Sjælland

island Sjælland

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Youtube Sjælland Video - Movie

For a detailed description of this island, see our info-island-page:Sjælland

Physical characteristics - Location

Coordinates: long: 11.84478 lat : 55.65469
Coordinates (gr,min,sec): WGS84long: 11°50'41.2152 lat : 55°3'55.6884
Surface area: 6929.7 km2 (18.248 x Isle of Wight)
Length coastline: 1569.4 km
Average height: 26 metre
Length island: 125.5 km
Maximum width island (estimate): 112.5 km
Name : Kobanke (0 metre)
Orientation island: South-southwest - North-northeast

Demographic data island

Habited: Yes
Number of inhabitants: 2287740
Population density: 325.00 inh/km2
Important places (direction): Kopenhagen, Greve, Roskilde, Helsingør, Hørsholm, Næstved, Køge, Taastrup, Slagelse, Hillerød, Holbæk, Ringsted, Ølstykke-Stenløse, Birkerød, Måløv-Smørumnedre, Farum, Kalundborg, Lillerød, Frederikssund, Solrød Strand, Korsør, Værløse, Frederiksværk, Vordingborg, Hedehusene-Fløng, Haslev

Naming - Location

Local native name: Sjælland
Archipelago (island group):
Neighboring islands
(Island hopping):
1) Amager 0.11 km SouthEast
2) Møn 0.526 km South
3) Orø 0.636 km West
4) Bogø 1.4 km SouthSouthWest
5) Agersø 2 km WestSouthWest
6) Nyord 2.3 km East
7) Falster 3.9 km SouthSouthWest
8) Omø 5.4 km SouthWest
9) Sejerø 7.9 km West
10) Ven 8.1 km EastNorthEast
11) Saltholm 9.3 km EastSouthEast
12) Femø 11.2 km SouthSouthWest
13) Samsø 15.3 km WestNorthWest
14) Funen 16.1 km WestSouthWest
15) Lolland 16.5 km SouthWest
16) Fejø 16.7 km SouthWest
17) Langeland 19.2 km WestSouthWest
18) Endelave 33.9 km West
19) Hallands Väderö 36.9 km NorthNorthEast
20) Tåsinge 42.2 km WestSouthWest
21) Ærø 60.3 km SouthWest
22) Lyø 67.2 km WestSouthWest
23) Fehmarn 68.6 km SouthSouthWest
24) Anholt 74.6 km NorthNorthWest
25) Rügen 78.1 km EastSouthEast
Location in Country:
Name :
Name :
Main place: Kopenhagen
Location Main place: East
Distance to main land: 3.8 km
Nearest Country:
Type Rock outcrop: sand
island-Type: island in sea

Topographic islandmap Sjælland

Sjælland map

© OpenStreetMap-auteurs, CC-BY-SA.
Map Seeland

Sjælland views: 718

No score starsaverage score: No score from 0 votes.

Height map of Sjælland

Sjælland Digital terrain model - DTM

Relief: Height Classes in percentages

Relief: Slope Classes in percentages

Weather at Sjælland

The weather type in Vintre Møllerbroken cloudsweericoon
Current temperature: 4 degrees Celcius
Precipitation last 3 hours: No precipitation
Wind: 6.69 meter per second (Wind force - bft 4)
Winddirection: West
Atmospheric pressure: 1005 mb
Humidity: 95 %
Daylength at 25 January 2025:8 hour and 13 minutes
Sunrise: 08:18 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset: 16:31 Europe/Amsterdam
Weather-page: Sjælland

The weather for the next few hours

Vintre Møller - DK (longitude: 11.8448, latitude: 55.6547)
Distance weather station to the center island (direction N): not known
3 degrees Celcius
1006 mbar
broken cloudsweericoon
2 degrees Celcius
1007 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
2 degrees Celcius
1007 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
3 degrees Celcius
1007 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
4 degrees Celcius
1006 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon

Climate: Temperature and Precipitation

Transport on your island-holiday

Directly accessible from Western Europe (The Netherlands) by plane: No
International airport present : No
Accessible by car: No
Distance from Western Europe (The Netherlands) (rough estimate): 0 km
Ferry connection - Car - Car - with mainland: No
Boat Connection - pedestrian - with mainland: No
Ferry - Car - connect with another island - Island hopping: No
Boat Connection - pedestrian - with another island: No
Bicycle facilities: No

island-Island, island-Tourism - island-attractions

Wikipedia Sjælland ?> Wikipedia: Wikipedia Sjælland
Tourist information: Info Sjælland
Youtube: Youtube Sjælland

island accommodation: Hotel ,Holiday Home, Camping

Hotel at Seeland ?> Hotel Hotel at Seeland
Campings at Seeland ?> Camping 1) Assentorp Camping
2) Bildso Camping
3) Bjerge Strand FDM Camping
4) Bokildegards Camping
5) Byaasgaard Camping
6) Campinggaarden Boeslunde
7) DCU Camping Kulhuse
8) DCU Camping Rorvig Strand
9) DCU-Absalon Copenhagen Camp
10) DCU-Camping Rageleje
11) DCU-Camping Sanddobberne
12) De Hvide Svaner Camping
13) Dronningmolle Strandcamping
14) FDM Nykobing S. Nordstrand
15) Frederiksv$rk City Camping Vandrerhjem
16) Gronnegarde Camping
17) Helsingor-Gronnehave Camping
18) Hillerod Camping
19) Hojsager Camping
20) Holb$k Fjord Camping FDM
21) Hornb$k Camping
22) Hundige Strand Familiecamping
23) Koge Sydstrand
24) L$gardens Camping
25) Lystskov Camping
26) N$rum Camping
27) Niva Camping
28) Reerso Camping
29) Rodvig Camping
30) Rosenholm Camping
31) Roskilde Camping
32) Saltb$k Camping
33) Sk$lskor Nor Camping
34) Skarreso Camping
35) Skibstrup Camping
36) Skovly Camping
37) Slagelse
38) Smidstrup Camping
39) Solager Strand Camping
40) Soro Camping
41) Stevns Camping
42) Storeb$lt Camping og Feriecenter
43) TopCamp Feddet
44) Undinegardens Camping
45) Urhoj Camping
46) Vallo Camping
47) Vejby Strand Camping
48) Vemmetofte Strand Camping
49) Vesterlyng
Holiday Home
Bed & Breakfast
accommodation-page Sjælland

Social media - Multimedia

Youtube Video SjællandVideos youtube Sjælland
flickr pictures and images of SjællandPhotos (Flickr) of the place Sjælland

Bings maps Sjælland
Mapquest Sjælland Sjælland

Landuse Sjælland

 Forest   756.2 km2 
 Nature   92.2 km2 
 Agriculture   4895.8 km2 
 Wet nature   99.2 km2 
 Water   34 km2 
 Urban area   1024.5 km2 
 Infrastructure   24.5 km2 
 Viticulture   2.8 km2 
 Rock outcrop   0.6 km2 