Hotels at Ibiza Hotels at Ibiza

island Ibiza

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Youtube Ibiza Video - Movie

For a detailed description of this island, see our info-island-page:Ibiza

Physical characteristics - Location

Coordinates: long: 1.41080 lat : 38.98351
Coordinates (gr,min,sec): WGS84long: 1°24'38.8692 lat : 38°59'0.6396
Surface area: 569.2 km2 (1.499 x Isle of Wight)
Length coastline: 215.2 km
Average height: 116 metre
Length island: 38 km
Maximum width island (estimate): 20 km
Name : Sa Talaiassa (475 metre)
Orientation island: Southwest - Northeast

Demographic data island

Habited: Yes
Number of inhabitants: 147914
Population density: 258.00 inh/km2
Important places (direction): Port de San Miguel (N)
Portinatx (N)
Sant Joan de Labritja (N)
Cala de San Vicent (NNO)
Platja es Figueral (NO)
Sant Carles de Peralta (NO)
Cala Mastella (NO)
Cala Llenya (NO)
Es Canar (NO)
Santa Eulària des Riu (ONO)
Cala Llonga (O)
Roca Llisa (O)
Cap Martinet (O)
Eivissa (Ibiza-stad) (OZO)
Sant Jordi de ses Salines (ZO)
Sant Francesc de s'Estany (Z)
Porroig (Z)
Es Cubells (Z)
Sant Josep de sa Talaia (ZZW)
Cala Carbo (ZW)
Sant Agustí des Vedrà (ZW)
Sant Antoni de Portmany (W)
Santa Agnès de Corona (W)
Sant Miquel de Balansat (NW)
San Rafael (C)
Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera (C)
Llorenc de Balafia (C)

Naming - Location

Local native name: Isla de Ibiza
Archipelago (island group): Balearic Islands
Neighboring islands
(Island hopping):
1) Conejera 0.965 km WestNorthWest
2) Tagomago 1.5 km EastNorthEast
3) Vedrà 1.9 km WestSouthWest
4) Espalmador 4 km SouthSouthEast
5) Espardell 6.8 km EastSouthEast
6) Formentera 7.1 km SouthSouthEast
7) Dragonera 80.6 km NorthEast
8) Mallorca 81.7 km NorthEast
9) Islas Columbretes 107.7 km NorthNorthWest
10) Cabrera 112.5 km East
11) Conejera 116.6 km East
12) Benidorm Island 124.6 km WestSouthWest
13) Tabarca 166.9 km WestSouthWest
14) Menorca 212 km EastNorthEast
15) Isla Mayor o del Baron 217.4 km SouthWest
16) Illa d’en Colom 248.8 km EastNorthEast
17) Medes Islands 355 km NorthNorthEast
18) Isla de Alboran 497.5 km SouthWest
19) Isla del Rey 522.1 km SouthWest
20) Isla de Isabel II 522.4 km SouthWest
21) Isla del Congreso 523.1 km SouthWest
22) Pheasant Island 541.5 km NorthNorthWest
23) Santa Clara eiland 549.2 km NorthNorthWest
24) Île Pomègues 556.5 km NorthNorthEast
25) Île Ratonneau 558.4 km NorthNorthEast
Country: Spain
Location in Country: East-southeast
Name Comunidad autónoma: Autonomous Community Balearic Islands
Name Provincia: Province Balearic Islands
Main place: Eivissa
Location Main place: Southeast
Sea: Balearic Sea
Distance to main land: 81 km
Nearest Country: Spain
Type Rock outcrop: sand
island-Type: island in sea
Remarks: Known as a party island (clubs like Privilege and Amnesia)

Topographic islandmap Ibiza

Ibiza map

© OpenStreetMap-auteurs, CC-BY-SA.
Map Ibiza

Ibiza views: 3722

2 starsaverage score: 2 from 3 votes.

Height map of Ibiza

Ibiza Digital terrain model - DTM

Relief: Height Classes in percentages

Relief: Slope Classes in percentages

Weather at Ibiza

The weather type in Sant Miquel de Balansatbroken cloudsweericoon
Current temperature: 16 degrees Celcius
Precipitation last 3 hours: No precipitation
Wind: 4.12 meter per second (Wind force - bft 3)
Winddirection: South-southwest
Atmospheric pressure: 1017 mb
Humidity: 87 %
Daylength at 25 January 2025:10 hour and 1 minutes
Sunrise: 08:06 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset: 18:06 Europe/Amsterdam
Weather-page: Ibiza

The weather for the next few hours

Sant Miquel de Balansat - ES (longitude: 1.4108, latitude: 38.9835)
Distance weather station to the center island (direction N): not known
15 degrees Celcius
1018 mbar
broken cloudsweericoon
15 degrees Celcius
1020 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
15 degrees Celcius
1021 mbar
overcast cloudsweericoon
14 degrees Celcius
1021 mbar
broken cloudsweericoon
12 degrees Celcius
1021 mbar
clear skyweericoon

Climate: Temperature and Precipitation

Transport on your island-holiday

Directly accessible from Western Europe (The Netherlands) by plane: Yes
International airport present : No
Accessible by car: Yes
Distance from Western Europe (The Netherlands) (rough estimate): 1925 km
Ferry connection - Car - Car - with mainland: Yes
Boat Connection - pedestrian - with mainland: Yes
Bicycle facilities: Yes

island-Island, island-Tourism - island-attractions

Wikipedia Ibiza ?> Wikipedia: Wikipedia Ibiza
Tourist information: Info Ibiza
Youtube: Youtube Ibiza
UNESCO Ibiza ?> UNESCO: Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture

island accommodation: Hotel ,Holiday Home, Camping

Hotel at Ibiza ?> Hotel Hotel at Ibiza
Campings at Ibiza ?> Camping 1) Camping San Antonio
2) Camping Cala Bassa
3) Camping La Playa Ibiza
4) Camping Es Cana
5) Camping Cala Nova Ibiza
Holiday Home
Bed & Breakfast
accommodation-page Ibiza

Social media - Multimedia

Youtube Video IbizaVideos youtube Ibiza
flickr pictures and images of IbizaPhotos (Flickr) of the place Ibiza

Bings maps Ibiza
Mapquest Ibiza Ibiza

Landuse Ibiza

 Forest   216.9 km2 
 Nature   19.9 km2 
 Agriculture   157 km2 
 Wet nature   4.7 km2 
 Water   1 km2 
 Urban area   35.4 km2 
 Infrastructure   2.1 km2 
 Viticulture   129.6 km2 
 Rock outcrop   2.6 km2 